
the importance of mirror selfies

This year, My wish for you is to take more selfies. 
Yes... more selfies. Please make sure to read before you start going crazy on my wish. During 2016 I had the honor to read many blogs of amazing and extraordinary women. These women do so many things, but one of the things that I loved the most is the way they decide to respect, support and empower other women. One of my personal goals for this year is to do exactly that, support, respect and empower women.

These blogs inspired me in many ways. One of the blogs I read touched my heart in a intense way and I feel that these are the kind of things I should share with other women in order be more compassionate ,understanding and there for each-other. This blogger shared a series of selfies she took in several months. You should know that this post went somewhere I wasn't expecting, but that is one of the reasons I adore this particular blogger. She is such a sensible, talented and amazing soul, that cares and celebrates women and now it is time for us to care about her. She has all my respect because she decided to share her heart with the world, and for several of us I believe that is one of the hardest thing to do. So, she documented her mirror selfies for several months and during those months she lived extremely happy times, then extremely sad situations. 

She shares on her blog that people say you look very different in the mirror then how people actually see you and that mirror selfies are a reflection of how YOU see yourself. She writes that even though selfies have a reputation as narcissistic,superficial mode of photography, she doesn't think they reflect a real change in how individuals ( and especially women ) capture and memorialize their own identity and their own beauty with this crazy virtual world we live in.

For me this has been a great lesson and interesting advice. We should all capture our own and real identity and stop giving others the permission or power to do that for us. Pictures can tell a story about where we are at the time, I don't mean where we are in a physically place but in a emotional place. Take mirror selfies to see yourself, to understand yourself and most importantly to be there for yourself during those sad times and when you get over that tough situation or when you feel a little better of something sad, you can go back to that documented time and realize how much you have grown and the person you've become.
- Read about this blogger and her mirror selfies HERE - 

My wish for you is to take mirror selfies, love yourself, trust your gut and empower each other. 

Oh... and when you decide to document your mirror selfies remember to add the perfect bracelet cuff... yes the faux gem green-ish one bracelet I am wearing. 




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